5 Must-Have Items for Parenting


We're just about two months into this crazy circus of three kids. Big celebration: we're still smiling!I have a friend who asked me this week "How is it having three kids, really?"Well, I can tell you, it's not that bad. Really. I think to an outsider; we look absolutely crazy around here now. Little do they know, we've been crazy forever. Not much has changed.For those considering having or adopting a child or multiple children, I'd like to share my

5 Must-Have Items for Parenting

I'm excited to let you know that the majority of these must-haves cost no money what-so-ever! But there's a catch. There's always a catch, amirite?While they may not cost money, they do take some time and practice. But they're free- so let's press on.

Must-Have 1: A Sense of Humor

When your precious 4-year-old looks at his grandmother and tells her to quit being a "Pain in the 🍑" (we're a family show here, people) there really is no recourse. Other than laughter, that is. Oh, and an apology, always the apology. Luckily for me, I have a wonderful mother who finds humor in my children's poor behavior. On days when the 2-year-old MISPLACES her diaper.... yep, that sucker just FELL OFF. And you don't see it right away because goodness knows you were just trying to shove some sort of healthy sustenance in your mouth. That sense of humor will have you laughing instead of crying. Whoever said "laughter is the best medicine" must have been a parent.  So a healthy sense of humor will get you through those long nights and even longer days.

Must-Have 2: A Calendar & Schedule

Another freeeeebie! Routines, schedules, and calendars are your friends here. From the time your little one arrives they've got you on a schedule, so it's best to embrace it rather than to fight it. We (more like I) use the calendar as not only a place to hold appointments but as a to-do list of sorts. If I have something that needs to be taken care of, picked up or started, I add it as a calendar reminder and block out the time to get it finished. Now, we all know that best-laid plans fall flat. Inevitably the baby will have to eat, someone will have a field trip, or a phone call will be scheduled but therein lies the beauty. As the calendar is an app on my phone, I can rearrange and reschedule as necessary. Now, if I find something keeps getting rescheduled (ahem, folding laundry), then I know it's something I need to address differently. Maybe asking for help from the hubs or just forcing myself to fold all the blasted clothes while listening to a podcast (two birds, there). Utilizing the calendar to help set schedules and create a routine helps keep the kids on track and you!

Must-Have 3: A Village

Unless you quite literally live on an island with only your family- there are people around you. Trust me; even if you don't feel like you've seen the outside in weeks, they're there. Your tribe, village, mom-posse or whatever you want to call it will help you on some of those difficult days. Especially when those days seem to start outnumbering the easy ones. Hello, terrible threes. Join a playgroup, a mommy-meet up or even an online community of moms in your area. You'll be able to share ideas, tips, and recommendations as well as asking questions from folks in the same chapter of life as you. Elephants don't raise their young along, and neither should we! 🐘

Must-Have 4: Patience

Easier said than done, right? This must-have is a bit two-fold. In order to have patience, and loads of it during the toddler years, you have to work at it. This work is often in the form of proper self-care. Get sleep when you can, take time to prioritize your to-dos and put yourself near the top, keep breathing, deep breaths, and remember that tomorrow you get another chance to do it again. So, take care of yourself so that you can have patience when your toddlers find the marker stash or get waaaaaay too quiet for a five minute period.

Must-Have 5: Snacks

Life's better with snacks, right? When things are going just a bit crazy being able to offer a favorite snack to the kids, or yourself, is often the reset button we need to keep calm. That's why, over here, we're Grateful for Gummies! We always have gummies, dried fruit or something sort of sweet to use as a distraction, reward or just something special. Keep a few parent-only snacks around too. Mine are the raspberry-chocolate Milano cookies. #yum! I think Snickers was on to something- when you're not feeling yourself, your blood sugar may be low. I know sometimes as busy parent we may forget to take those moments to eat, and we need a quick pick-me-up to keep the energy flowing.Now while many of these must-haves may seem a bit silly- I'm completely serious about each one. Without these five things, I'm not sure how I would have made it through some crazy days. For me, I also have you all to chat with which gives me an outlet for the crazy stories as well as a chance to reflect on all we're lucky enough to do and complain about.I thank you for being here and as always,Be Great!M


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