Back to School


It's the most wonderful time, of the year!No, not the holidays, but Back to School!Bubba is in his last year of preschool. He'll be headed to Kindergarten next year full day. This year he'll be attending preschool three mornings per week (a step up from his 2-day-a-week preschool days past). Last year we had some trepidation about being away from Mommy and Little Bear but this year things were definitely different.In the days leading up to the first day of school Bubba could do nothing but talk about his teacher (whom he met with Hubs a few days prior) as well as the toys, his new classroom and how many days it would take before he could finally go to school. The night before he was practically giddy with excitement. To the fact that he was bouncing in his bed while we talked about the next day's plans. What more could a mom ask for than for her child to be excited about school? I'll take it for as long as I can get it.He all but flew out of his bed the morning of and demanded that he get dressed and leave RIGHT. THEN. Sorry buddy, school isn't even OPEN at this hour. If I try to drop you off I'll be that mom! Too early to start that stigma at this point in the year. So, we went through the morning routine, got him dressed in his first-day-of-school-best and finally got to the photo part of the morning (of which, Little Bear had to get in on the action too). Then it was finding our backpacks (again, Little Bear borrowed last year's to take with her, which she calls a "jacket" instead of a backpack), packing up baby brother and to the car! By this point, I'm almost positive I was already sweating.Unbeknownst to me, this is the day of the week that the school has the MOST students attending activities. That meant that our usual in-and-out from last year, already compounded by the addition of another human was to be thrown for a loop. Speaking of loops, I made 4 of them around the parking lot searching for a spot, none were to be found. So, I being the rule follower that I am, had to park on the street FULL of signs that said "no parking at any time" ugh. But officer, everyone else was parking there. Whatever. We parked, unloaded the clown car and got Bubba into his classroom. He has a few friends in his class from last year. Our previous experience with the beginning of the year involved nerves, tears (from Bubba and Mommy) and lots of hugs. This year? Polar opposite. He walked in, barely said goodbye, greeted his teacher and began playing. No tears from him and no tears from Mommy (I'm saving those for Kindergarten)Getting Little Bear out of the school was a different saga. She is under the impression that she's big enough to go to preschool. Mommy says no!We had a minor standoff in the street but yet again, Mommy is faster and Little Bear got into the car.[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4=""][/video]Pickup was a breeze (apart from a repeat of the parking drama) and Bubba got a glowing report of good behavior. We picked up lunch and had a movie picnic (in the living room) to celebrate.Here's to a great school year!Be Great,M 


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