Guess Who!


So, Hi again- I'm Meg. Let's get reacquainted.Yes, I know- it's been since AUGUST of 2017. But y'all, a LOT has gone on. I mean, A. LOT. Now if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter- you know what's up. If you don't (why aren't you over there!?). Let me run through some of it.-I'm still working within my company- MOKup Media is an active and fun place over here!-Got a NEW position (more on this in a separate blog but check out Aftermarq)-The kids are growing like WEEDS!Bubba is now FOUR and Little Bear is going to be TWO in less than a MONTH. Eeek!(I could squeeze them)-Mama's got a new haircut!-I've been traveling (yet, another post for another blog)-We took the kids on a special trip-Hubs is great!and... I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU.Okay, calm down.We'll get there in due time. Stay tuned MUCH MORE is coming!But while we wait (and I write) tell me, what have you been up to?Be Great,M 


Kerns, Party of Five


PreSchool Ready