
In high school sports, especially for football teams during the summer they often have "two-a-days." I only know this because my good friend is an athletic trainer and is often doing double duty these days.This is when the team has two sessions of practice or training in one day.Makes sense right?Lately, I feel like I've been on a constant cycle of two a days.It's been great, but my fingers are getting a little sore.Did you know? I've been blogging five days a week since I started in July.Including this one, that 131 blogs.If I could tell you the word count, I would. But lets-be-honest... ain't nobody got time for that. As such, I'm announcing here and now, that I will be adjusting my blog posting schedule.I am guaranteeing you two blogs per week- on Monday's and Thursdays. Hopefully, you'll be around on those days to enjoy all that we have coming your way from Gummy-Land.Some big things are happening on our end, so I'm going to take the extra time to focus on those. Don't worry; I'll fill you in as we go.Something to look forward to- Little Bear is thiiiiis close to crawling. I'm soon going to have two mobile little's to chase. Time to check the baby-proofing status of the house!I am excited to bring you more focused stories and to share what's next for our family of four. (Don't worry, we're not adding any more people, just getting busy with the four of us.)I can not wait!Be Great,M




Surviving the Nebs