Hey, You There
The last post on this platform was from January 2021.
Can we just take a moment and realize, that was OVER a year from the date of this current posting. Whew. I have no excuses for you, no long lamenting paragraphs, no promises to do better - because out of all the things I have learned in the last 18 months, one is that I don’t have to explain things that don’t need explaining (thanks, on that one, to my therapist). Side note, If you’re a parent, working individual, or human living in 2023, I highly recommend finding a therapist that fits you, if only to give you a safe perspective on where you stand within your own world. That ALL being said, it’s nice to see you again. How ARE you? (Really - this one I want an answer to if you want to share - DM me on Instagram.) Some things have changed (new homes, new dog, new structure, new confidence, new life goals) some things have remained the same (kiddos are as lively as every and keeping me on my toes) and I look forward to sharing it all with you.
Might we chat about the elephant in the room quickly? If you’re here, you’ve probably noticed that things have changed - especially with the photos on the blog. I did get divorced this past year. A single sentence that when shared, holds so much weight and so much judgment. Trust me, I know. I won’t be going into any juicy details (spoiler alert: there aren’t any) about the divorce only to say that I feel my ex-husband and I are healthy, communicative, and collaborative co-parents to our kids and though things didn’t work out the way either of us believed when we started in our relationship, I wouldn’t change what we had that gave us our three great kiddos.
Now that that’s over with - let’s get into the new stuff.
1. We got a dog! Tank joined us in early November and has been a tiny chicken nugget of chaos ever since.
2. We’re moving, again! In about 6 weeks - we’ll be into a new home which will allow the kiddos some space to spread out and put down some solid foundations in my old stomping ground.
3. I travel, a lot. My job is freaking cool and because of it I get to travel the US speaking at and helping to host events, providing training and education, networking with my industry, and more. ALL of that you can see on the aforementioned Instagram.
I’m sure there’s more, but it’ll come forward as I hope to share with you more regularly. Thank you for returning here with me, and I hope to hear that you’re vibin’ and thrivin’ so far this year.
Big Hugs,